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1 freetoken  Thu, Oct 10, 2013 1:24:26pm

Sounds a bit weird to me.

2 freetoken  Thu, Oct 10, 2013 1:27:33pm

I understand the mythicists’ desire to strip all the magick out of old writings, but we have to be careful not to just throw in anything that might be interesting to titillate audiences.

It’s not a new idea. That early Christian writings were done in part to address the Roman culture’s own dominant dialogue in the society explains the various allusions to Roman society in, say, the Book of Revelations.

3 Skip Intro  Thu, Oct 10, 2013 2:54:27pm
Atwill, author of “Caesar’s Messiah,” claims he’s found ancient confessions by the scriptures’ authors that they invented Jesus Christ and his story as basically a form of propaganda.

I look forward to seeing his evidence, although it seems odd that no one had found it until now. Also, as far as I’m aware, no one actually knows who the real authors of the Gospels were.

Still, it will be entertaining watching the Bryan Fischers of the world go into full meltdown.

4 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 10, 2013 2:56:05pm

I have heard this before, it’s just another variation of the Da Vinci Code. That doesn’t mean it’s not bullshit.

5 KingKenrod  Thu, Oct 10, 2013 4:01:31pm

I have to dismiss the idea the the Romans created him as a pacifying figure. I recently read Reza Aslan’s Zealot, and his take on the historical Jesus is that his message was considerably more radical and threatening to the Romans - Jews hearing his message at the time would consider it more militant than we realize.

For instance, he argues that every Jew would understand that Jerusalem and Israel were promised land, and Jesus’s exhortation to ‘render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and unto God that which is God’s’ was an open defiance of Roman occupation of Jerusalem and Israel - in other words the coin belongs to Caesar, but the land belongs to God. It was only after the horrible destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD that Jesus’s message was softened; and done by his first followers gradually over the following decades, not by the Romans. Aslan chronicles early Christian writings and shows they became less radical over time as the more radical faction lost power to the “we’re tired of being the target of genocide” faction.

6 freetoken  Thu, Oct 10, 2013 5:22:35pm

The most parsimonious explanation for the early Christian literature is that they are the teachings of various Jewish based or influenced cults around the eastern Mediterranean immediately following the Roman conquest of 70AD up through 74AD.

Many religions fixate on a figure-head and mythologize any remnant stories that get passed down.

7 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Oct 10, 2013 5:26:26pm

The actual letters of Paul (as opposed, especially to the late trio of 1 & 2 Timothy & Titus written in his name) are really quite radical documents as well that would be very damaging to Roman power structures based as they are on the classic dominion model.

I’d say this is probably bs cooked up by someone to cause as much poo slinging as possible. The only real question is if the author is in on it or has been bs’ed as well by the creators to make him seem more believable.

8 Stoatly  Fri, Oct 11, 2013 4:07:28am

re: #3 Skip Intro

Still, it will be entertaining watching the Bryan Fischers of the world go into full meltdown.

Bah, Bryan Fischer hasn’t the slightest interest in the real Jesus if he existed

Muhammad definitely did exist, and we have a reasonable view of what he got up to and said though the strong Hadiths - but those who consider themselves his followers still often fight (sometimes literally) over opposite views of his teaching and legacy.

There was interesting research recently showing that “Believers” actually had much less knowledge about their own religion than those outside their faith.

“Man makes God in his own image” is a rather trite saying, but accurate - and in Fischer’s case it’s a particularly shitty image

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